Dr. Dominik Bork

PhD Theses #

Name Title University
Lala Aïcha Sarr topic not yet finalized, started 02/2024, joint PhD supervision with Frederick Benaben and Anne-Marie Barthe-Delanoë IMT Mines d'Albi
Marianne Schnellmann topic not yet finalized, started 08/2023, joint PhD supervision with Henderik Proper TU Wien
Aleksandar Gavric topic not yet finalized, started 03/2023, joint PhD supervision with Henderik Proper TU Wien
Gabriel Morais topic not yet finalized, starting 09/2021, joint PhD supervision with Mehdi Adda Université du Québec
Syed Juned Ali Representation Learning with Conceptual Knowledge Graphs: A Graph Language Modeling Framework, started 03/2021 TU Wien
Dr. Mehran Majidian A Study and Definition of an Agile and Social Business Process Management Approach for Simultaneous Modeling and Orchestration of Business Processes, Based on Incompleteness, Flexibility, and Adaptability, joint PhD supervision with Frederick Benaben and Anne-Marie Barthe-Delanoë, defended 12/2023 IMT Mines d'Albi
Dr. Rafika Thabet Ingénierie dirigée par les modèles d'un pilotage robuste de la prise en charge médicamenteuse, defended 2020, PhD acknowledgement (Thesis) INP Toulouse & University of Sousse
Dr. Michael Walch A conceptual modelling approach for design and use in cyber-physical environments: the s*IoT modelling method, defended 2019, PhD acknowledgement University of Vienna
Dr. Afef Awadid Foundations for Situational Business Process Multi-View Modeling Methods Engineering, defended 2019, PhD acknowledgement University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne

Master/Diploma Theses #

Name Title University, Study Program
Gallus Huber Towards Low-Code Business App Development - ER2CDS (Thesis) TU Wien, Software Engineering & Internet Computing
Simon Schwantler A Natural Language Interface for UML Modeling TU Wien, Software Engineering & Internet Computing
Philipp-Lorenz Glaser Encoding of Semantic Information for Machine Learning in Conceptual Modeling TU Wien, Software Engineering & Internet Computing
Jan Müller CM2ML: A generic, portable, and extensible framework for encoding the structure of conceptual models TU Wien, Software Engineering & Internet Computing
Julia Smejkal Versioning of GLSP-based models TU Wien, Software Engineering & Internet Computing
David Jäger Frontend-only browser-based modeling tools (Thesis) TU Wien, Software Engineering & Internet Computing
Adam Lencses Combining Textual and Graphical Modeling with Next Generation Frameworks (Thesis) TU Wien, Software Engineering & Internet Computing
Mustafa Muhammad Historization of Conceptual Models using Knowledge Graphs (Thesis) TU Wien, Software Engineering & Internet Computing
Tobias Henöckl From document-driven to model-driven engineering TU Wien, Business Informatics
Manuel Wolkowitsch Conceptualization and Prototypical Implementation of Inter-model Semantic Zoom for GLSP-based Modeling Tools TU Wien, Software Engineering & Internet Computing
Adnan Dawoud Eine Analyse der Möglichkeiten und Herausforderun- gen bei der Integration von generativen KI-Techno- logien zur Optimierung von Content & Asset Creation Prozessen Universität Duisburg-Essen
Lilly Lütticke Prozessidentifizierung, -modellierung und -optimierung am Beispiel der Abteilung 30-22 im Rechtsamt der Stadt Duisburg Universität Duisburg-Essen
Mike Hahn Prozessidentifizierung, -modellierung und -optimierung am Beispiel der Abteilung 30-22 im Rechtsamt der Stadt Duisburg Universität Duisburg-Essen
Niklas Bieck Konzeptionierung und Realisierung eines prototypischen Instore-Navigationssystems auf Basis eines Filialplanogramms am Beispiel eines Lebensmitteleinzelhändlers Universität Duisburg-Essen
Haydar Metin Testing of GLSP-based Web Modeling Tools (Thesis) (ER'23) (MODELS'23) (MODELS'23 Tool) TU Wien, Software Engineering & Internet Computing
Aylin Sarioğlu Accessibility in Web Modeling Tools: Systematic Review and Conceptualization of a Keyboard-Only Prototype (Thesis) (ER'23) TU Wien, Software Engineering & Internet Computing
David Oliva Readiness Assessment for the Artificial Intelligence Act with a requirements catalogue in the field of critical infrastructure (Thesis) TU Wien, Business Informatics
Simone Andreetto Conceptualization and Implementation of UML Sequence Diagrams in a GLSP-based UML Modeling Tool (Thesis) TU Wien, Business Informatics
Cordula Eggerth Conceptual Modeling and Semantic Web: A Systematic Mapping Study (Thesis) TU Wien, Software Engineering & Internet Computing
Bernd Stainer Managing Object-Relational Mappings using Web-based Model-Driven Engineering TU Wien, Software Engineering & Internet Computing
Markus Hegedüs Real-time Collaborative Modeling with Eclipse GLSP (Thesis) TU Wien, Software Engineering & Internet Computing
Jan Laranjo Knowledge Graph-based Generic Modularisation of Conceptual Models (Thesis) [EDOC'23] TU Wien, Software Engineering & Internet Computing
Andreas Fend Monitoring Mobile Cyber-Physical Systems using Model-Driven Engineering (Thesis) [MoDELS'21] [MPM4CPS'22] TU Wien, Software Engineering & Internet Computing
Georgi Dinev Combining Decision Modelling and Machine Learning: An Investigation in the Insurance Sector (Thesis) (BISE) TU Wien, Data Science
Muhammed Smajevic Graph-based Analysis of Enterprise Architecture Models [ER'21][MoDELS'21][PoEM'21], (Thesis) TU Wien, Business Informatics
Giuliano De Carlo Integrating Extended Zooming and Level-of-Detail Functionalities into Web-based Modeling Tools [ER'22] [MoDELS'22] (Thesis) TU Wien, Software Engineering & Internet Computing
Yuliia Kolbasiuk Web-based evaluation of modeling language notations TU Wien, Business Informatics
Florian Cesal Interoperability of Metamodeling Frameworks: Bridging Modeling SDK for Visual Studio and Eclipse Modeling Framework (Thesis) (PoEM'22) TU Wien, Software Engineering & Internet Computing
Konstantinos Anagnostou Interoperability between metamodeling platforms (Thesis) [CAiSE'22] TU Wien, Software Engineering & Internet Computing
Armond Alexanian Using Enterprise Architectures and Knowledge Graphs for EA Smell Detection TU Wien, Software Engineering &Internet Computing
Galina Mikhnyova Decision Model and Notation: state of the art and simplification algorithms (Thesis) University of Vienna
Christine Schrueffer Conceptualization of a Modelling Method for Business Continuity Management [ER'19] University of Vienna
Christoph Laister Conceptualization and Implementation of a semantic search for OMiLAB University of Vienna
Daniel Linhart Implementation of a Web Business Process Stepper for the Open Models Laboratory (OMiLAB) University of Vienna
Uli Flatter IT-Unterstuetzung der Materialwirtschaft von Mass-Customization-Nahrungsmittelherstellern University of Bamberg

Bachelor Theses #

Name Title Study Program
Andreas Hell Browser-only implementation of GLSP as a digital sandbox environment (Thesis) TU Wien, Software & Information Engineering
Benjamin Weber A Survey of Frameworks for the Development of Web-based Modeling Tools TU Wien, Software & Information Engineering
Bernhard Cerncic Using Conceptual Knowledge Graphs for Node Classification TU Wien, Software & Information Engineering
Nikolas Fröhlich Using Conceptual Knowledge Graphs for Node Classification TU Wien, Software & Information Engineering
Tobias Pellkvist Creating a Contextual Connector Tool for Eclipse GLSP(Thesis) TU Wien, Software & Information Engineering
Tobias Jordan A Langium-based approach to bigER (Thesis) TU Wien, Business Informatics
Sebastian Zib A Langium-based approach to bigER (Thesis) TU Wien, Business Informatics
Christoph Lauscher SQL Import and Export Support for the Hybrid VS Code Modeling Tool bigER (Thesis) TU Wien, Software & Information Engineering
Alexander Grieshofer Cloud Foundry Config File Generation Using JetBrains MPS and DSLs (Thesis) TU Wien, Media Informatics and Visual Computing
Tobias Gacko Survey of current (web) modeling tool development platforms (Thesis) TU Wien, Business Informatics
Marinko Todorovic Realization and Integration of NoSQL Code Generation into bigER (Thesis) TU Wien, Software & Information Engineering
Georg Hammerschmied Multi-Notation Support for a Hybrid VS Code Modeling Tool (Thesis) [ER'22 Tool] TU Wien, Software & Information Engineering
Theo Haslinger Source Code Annotation in VS Code TU Wien, Software & Information Engineering
Lukas Kuess Source Code Annotation in VS Code TU Wien, Software & Information Engineering
Janos Roland Vischi Similarity and Quality Metrics for Microservice and Web Service Architectures TU Wien, Software & Information Engineering
Philip-Lorenz Glaser A Sprotty-based Web Modeling Editor for Entity Relationships (Thesis) [EDOC'21] TU Wien, Software & Information Engineering
Luca Forstner Integrating GLSP based Tooling into Visual Studio Code (Thesis) TU Wien, Software & Information Engineering
Vladyslav Hnatiuk Adaptagrams/libavoid for Sprotty (Thesis) TU Wien, Software & Information Engineering
Martin Robl Academic Education in Enterprise Architecture Management (Thesis) [CSIMQ'22] TU Wien, Software & Information Engineering
Andre Ogris Improving distance learning in an object oriented modeling lecture by enhancing digital media with H5P (Thesis) TU Wien, Software & Information Engineering
Eren Erdogan Ein Framework zur Bewergung der Qualität von ADOxx-Metamodellen University of Vienna
Yunus Emre Kanitoglu Digitale Transformation und Industrie 4.0 in der Wellpappenindustrie University of Vienna
Katrin Weiss Integration of Information Security Management and Enterprise Architecture Management University of Vienna
Jin Chen Eine Methodik zur schrittweise Modernisierung von Legacysoftware durch Microservices University of Vienna
Cordula Eggerth Development and Implementation of a Wiki-Concept for Managing Knowledge of the OMiLAB University of Vienna
Stela Kucek Modeling Digital Enterprise Ecosystems with ArchiMate: A Smart Mobility Case Study University of Vienna
Anna Sumereder Modeling with ArchiMate - Emphasis on Enterprise Architecture Changes and Internet of Things Ecosystems [EOMAS'21] University of Vienna
Nezahat Akbulut Domaenenspezifische Modellierung eines Logistik und Transport Unternehmens mit dem BEE-UP Tool University of Vienna
Nuray Yazan Domaenenspezifische Modellierung des fiktiven Unternehmens BackSlash GmbH mit dem Modellierungstool BEE-UP University of Vienna
Matthias Ehrendorfer Konzeption und prototypische Implementierung eines Statistik Microservice für das Open Models Laboratory University of Vienna
Sen Xia Konzeption und prototypische Implementierung einer Ampelsteuerung mit mBots über eine indirekte Kommunikation University of Vienna
Huso Imamovic Prozessbetrachtung im digitalen Zahlungsverkehr University of Vienna
Christian Kersjes Testen verteilter Microservices im Rahmen der neu gestalteten Open Models Laboratory Anwendungssystemarchitektur University of Vienna
David Goetzinger Development of a Microservice based Franchise Infrastructure and Application to the Example of the Open Models Laboratory University of Vienna
Mateusz Czernecki An Approach for Mobile Maintenance in a Virtual Factory Environment (Thesis) University of Vienna
Martin Plattner Evaluation of Responsive Images Solutions for the Web University of Vienna
Wiktor Markow Konzeption eines Kennzahlen-Cockpits und Entwicklung einer Anwendungssoftware zur automatisierten Kennzahlenauswertung in einem Industriebetrieb University of Vienna