Dr. Dominik Bork

About me

Dominik Bork

I am working as an Associate Professor for Business Systems Engineering at TU Wien. Prior to moving to TU Wien, I worked as a Postdoc Researcher at the Knowledge Engineering Research Group of the University of Vienna. I received my Diploma in Information Science and my PhD (Dr. rer. pol.) from the University of Bamberg where I primarily worked on multi-view enterprise modeling.

During my academic career, I was a visiting researcher at and am up to date active collaborator with the University of Technology Sydney, the Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico, the University of Pretoria, Stockholm University, and the Ecolé de Mines d’Albi.

Latest Blog Posts

  1. Introducing bigUML - Revolutionize Conceptual UML Modeling with VS Code Extension
  2. Eclipse Cloud DevTools Contributor Award
  3. Best Student Paper Award at EDOC 2023
  4. Quo Vadis Modeling? Expert Voice published in the SoSyM journal
  5. The bigER Modeling Tool has now more than 5000 Users in VS Code

More posts can be found in the archive.