Dr. Dominik Bork

Eclipse Cloud DevTools Contributor Award

I am happy to share that continuous collaboration with EclipseSource and the many contributions to open source (especially the GLSP project) have ben recognized by the Eclipse Cloud DevTool community.

Today, I received the Eclipse Cloud DevTools Contributor Award.

Here is a copy of the official statement:

The Eclipse Cloud Developer Tools contributor award for this month is proudly presented to Dr. Dominik Bork, Assistant Professor for Business Systems Engineering at TU Wien, in recognition of his remarkable dedication and innovative contributions to the Eclipse Cloud DevTools technologies.

Dominik has been instrumental in the Cloud DevTools community for bridging academia, open-source software and industry. His commitment ensures that the innovative work from research projects and student theses doesn't just end with an excellent publication, but evolves into valuable contributions to open-source projects, such as those within the Eclipse Cloud DevTools ecosystem. It's his forward-thinking approach that enables research results to have a lasting impact and utility beyond the academic sphere, allowing open-source projects and their industrial adopters to benefit from novel research results.

Examples of Dominik’s efforts:

BigUML based on Eclipse Theia and GLSP

BigUML based on Eclipse Theia and GLSP

For these reasons and many more, we extend our heartfelt congratulations to Dr. Dominik Bork. Your contributions significantly enhance the Eclipse Cloud DevTools landscape, and we are grateful for your passionate involvement.

This Eclipse Cloud DevTools contributor award is sponsored by EclipseSource, providing consulting and implementation services for web-based tools, Eclipse GLSP, Eclipse Theia, and VS Code.